As a tenured faculty member at Florida Southern College, I’m passionate about applying my educational lens and story of hope to Polk County School Board-District 1. Being a Polk County Public School graduate, I have a deep rooted zeal for our Polk education system. With experience in the classroom, I’m well aware of the issues teachers face. Along with that, I understand the special attention and needs our students have within today’s society. Also, I believe our support staff has a voice that needs to be heard within our district.
With over 17+ years in a higher-ed classroom, I actively take part in moving students towards being competent contributors to their community. I recognize this is a scaffolding process that is accomplished by many voices along the way. I’m committed to preparing the whole student, so after high school graduation, they are both work-force/college-ready.
Access comes at all levels and benefits the whole. One of my top priorities is helping support parents as they seek access for what’s best for their child. Eight years ago, when we moved back to Polk county, we waited four years for access to our school of choice. Beyond that, the open enrollment process for choice options was not an easy process. This process does not benefit the parent. I am driven to help empower parents in this complicated process of access. Not only that, I want to make sure our lower-income families are informed and have access to educational options that work best for their family. Lastly, as a college professor, I value the access teachers need to have creative freedom in the classroom as they target clear benchmarks.
As an educator that consistently builds community partnerships to benefit the student, I can bring a stable voice to shape the future of our school system. I am committed to maintaining connections with the people I represent and ensure active feedback to my district. Not only that, but I will also actively work with municipalities, community leaders, both local and state level, to benefit our Polk students. Partnerships at all levels benefit student outcomes which has a lasting impact on students potentially giving back to their community in the future.
Candidate William Allen is a competent educator with a sincere care for students.